My name is Iris Veress.
I'm an 18 year old final year high-school student and an aspiring software engineer based in Romania.
I have experience with Express.js and the standard Go HTTP library. I have also worked with MongoDB, Firebase, Supabase and Auth0.
I have experience with Python, Scikit-Learn and Pytorch. I have also briefly worked with OpenCV and fine-tuning on HuggingFace.
I have experience with React.js and SvelteKit. I am also proficient with TailwindCSS and have worked with Bootstrap.
I have built both 2D and 3D games with Unity and C# that have been published on
I tend to get really caught up into the work I do. I cannot stop thinking about it until I get it done.
I approach everything in a logical manner. I can't learn new things if I don't also understand the underlying logic behind them.
I've always loved puzzle solving. Development, of any kind, has been the perfect
I love learning new things. I sometimes get hyper-fixated on things and cannot stop researching more and more.